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Bare Feet

Got foot pain?

Truthfully, who doesn't?

There are very few people who would tell you that they never experience foot pain.  It could be said that most of us just accept it as a part of (adult) life.

One of our favorite questions at Infinity Health is, "Why is this happening?"

We don't want to look at our patients and see "foot pain," but to see "John" who is suffering foot pain because his body is trying to tell him something. We want to find what is going wrong, and correct the problem there - not just treat his pain, and continue on the merry-go-round that results from treating symptoms, not causes.

One of the most important things to remember in healthcare is that everything in the body is connected - intricately.  In the article below, Dr. Moleski explains some of his most recent experiences with unexpected connections...

The body is truly an amazing creation.


Foot pain can have a variety of causes and treatments. These are a few of the more common ones we see:

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Peripheral Neuropathy

This condition can be devastating for those who suffer from it. If you have numbness, tingling, pins and needles, or generalized foot pain, we offer comprehensive analysis and treatment to get you back to living!

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Plantar Fasciitis

Trying to stay active with plantar fasciitis can range from aggravating to impossible. The FX635 low-level laser has been shown to significantly reduce pain and inflammation in the plantar fascia.

Ankle and Ligaments

Joint Misalignment

Your foot has about 12% of the bones in your entire body. These can become misaligned in many ways. A joint manipulation of the bones of the foot can make a huge difference not only in foot pain, but even in conditions in other parts of the body! 

Foot Pain Can Be a Pain In the Neck

That pesky foot pain that you may consider just a normal part of life may be the source of your health issues. One of my colleagues from Davenport, IA has dedicated his life and career to educating doctors and patients on the importance of having healthy, functional extremities (arms, legs, hands, and feet).  He has seen thousands of cases of patients suffering with a variety of problems ranging from knee pain, neck pain, and migraines, to gastrointestinal problems.  In many cases, he finds that their feet, hands, or jaw are the source of the problem!

How can a foot problem cause digestive problems? Some people have one leg that is quite a bit shorter than the other. [see image below] This is like walking around all your life with one foot up on the curb and the other down on the road (exaggeration, but you get the idea). This can cause functional compensation all up the spine to the head. This can cause the base of the skull to be drawn tight on one side and to apply stress to the nerves there. Stress on the vagus nerve that starts in the brain can negatively affect the rest of your body function. The vagus nerve controls your digestion.

How about knee pain? Over the years, I have seen countless patients with right knee pain and degeneration. No problem at all in the left knee. Due to old age? Both knees are the same age. No trauma noted. Walking around all your life with leg length discrepancy will cause more pressure to be applied to one knee. More wear and tear there over the years.

A leg can be “shorter” on one side due to a genetically short leg. It can be “shorter” due to an old foot or ankle injury that caused the bones in the feet to drop down (fallen arches). The feet and legs are the support structure (foundation) for your entire body.

As an analogy in construction, you may see a roofline sagging on one end of a building. You come to find that it is sagging there because the foundation gave way below it. If the foundation of a building gives way, everything above it gives way as well. Bolster up the foundation, and you fix the cause.

If the bones in your feet are not aligned properly, or if there are abnormal movement patterns due to injury, scar tissue, or weak muscles, the consequences can be greater than we realize.

These leg length discrepancies can be addressed very naturally without drugs or surgery. Heel lifts, orthotics, and foot manipulation can be very beneficial in these cases. 

It is important to get your feet checked by a qualified professional with specific focus and awareness of body biomechanics.

Infinity Health

We help you understand what’s breaking down in your body, then activate its natural ability to heal.

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1960 Buford Blvd Suite A

Tallahassee, FL 32308

© 2023 Dr. Stephen L. Moleski 

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